These terms of use for website ANTHANASSA are mandatory rules for visitors that seek landscaping information and gardening ideas, especially by reading articles ANTHANASSA in the Greek section of the website.
(Last timeseal of terms of use: June 1st, 2018)
Dear friends of ANTHANASSA,
We welcome you to domain name which is ANTHANASSA's website. ANTHANASSA is a Greek firm in the field of private landscaping services, garden construction and garden maintenance.
Use of ANTHANASSA's website and access to every single one of its parts or sections demand a prior knowledge of all these following rules and conditions. Also, terms of use in Greek language prevail over any term and condition in any other language in this website. These rules and conditions are mandatory for all visitors and anyone who does not agree with them should not use the website. Violation of the rules and conditions may even be a criminal offense according to the Laws of Hellenic Republic, European Union and international Laws regarding protection of personal data, intellectual property and regarding means of technological protection for internet. Every section of ANTHANASSA's website is under legal protection and constant surveillance. The trademarks of ANTHANASSA are registered and protected by Greek and international Commercial Laws. The actions of all visitors have to comply with the Law 2472/1997, Law 2121/1993, Law 3057/2002, Law 3183/2003, Law 3184/2003, Law 3524/2007, Law 3905/2010 of Hellenic Republic with every revision or change of them, the relevant Court Decisions and the relevant European Directives such as 96/9, 2001/29, 2001/84 and 2004/48.
ANTHANASSA reserves the right to expel all users and prevent their further access to the website for violating these terms of use, the Laws of Hellenic Republic or International Laws and reserves the right to defend its interests. (return at the top of this page)
Website ANTHANASSA exists in the internet because it complies with all the necessary Laws and conditions that allow this fact. Only ANTHANASSA has the exclusive right to make changes at its own discretion and without prior announcement to the public. Copying, creating derivative work, displaying, distributing, exploiting, having in any kind of databases, modifying, posting, publishing, reproducing, selling, transferring, transmitting or using in any other possible way without ANTHANASSA’s written permission the content of this website is not allowed. The purpose of Website ANTHANASSA is to present ANTHANASSA’s abilities, activities and verify the legitimacy of the firm in order to promote even more its brand name in the market. The content of the website is only for personal and noncommercial use regarding visitors. All visitors have to respect the rights, limitations and their properties that related to brands, products, services or trademarks and does not belong to ANTHANASSA. All content of ANTHANASSA's website, such as button icons, images, logos, photographs or texts, is protected by copyright Laws and the copyright in ANTHANASSA's website is owned by ANTHANASSA. For ANTHANASSA all rights are reserved. At the same time ANTHANASSA has the exclusive right to act in any way according to the Laws of Hellenic Republic and European Union in order to protect itself in any case ANTHANASSA feels that there is violation of its rights or interests. Any legal claims or disputes in conjunction with website ANTHANASSA are subject to the interpretation of the laws of the Hellenic Republic in Courts of the capital city. (return at the top of this page)
Based on its activities, ANTHANASSA makes effort to offer to its visitors landscaping and gardening knowledge as thoroughness as possible using professional diligence, but cannot guarantee for accuracy, completeness, correctness or modernization (up to date) of any information. Sources of ANTHANASSA's texts are mentioned in the Greek terms of use. All visitors have to check any data or information they obtain from website ANTHANASSA. Any kind of use of knowledge has to occur only under visitor’s initiative and personal free will and always with respect to the relevant Laws. For any reason ANTHANASSA opinions do not substitute or replace other professional advices. All users and visitors of website ANTHANASSA clearly declare that they agree to access this website and its content at their own exclusive and personal risk. ANTHANASSA and anyone related to the firm is not or will not be responsible for any business interruption, damage, data loss, hardware problem, health problem, injury, lost profit, malfunction, productivity problem, software problem or any other possible kind of problem as result of the use, impossibility of use, access or impossibility of access of the website and information given on the website. Also, in no event is or will ANTHANASSA and anyone related to the firm be liable to any party for any type of damage related to website or arising from the website. (return at the top of this page)
In the website ANTHANASSA can be found links to third-party vendors. There are references and links to third-party websites in general. Visitors can access these links at their own free will and at their own risk. ANTHANASSA and anyone related to the firm is not or will not be responsible for any business interruption, damage, data loss, hardware problem, health problem, injury, lost profit, malfunction, productivity problem, software problem or any other possible kind of problem as result of the use, impossibility of use, access or impossibility of access of the links to third-party websites. Also, in no event is or will ANTHANASSA and anyone related to the firm be liable to any party for any type of damage related to third-party websites or arising from third-party websites. ANTHANASSA is providing to its visitors all these links of websites as a convenience and such action does not imply endorsement of their content by ANTHANASSA. Link from other websites to website ANTHANASSA must be approved in writing by ANTHANASSA, unless they have been created by ATHANASSA. (return at the top of this page)
ANTHANASSA does not keep or processes any kind of personal data. Also, ANTHANASSA will never publish photographs with real gardens without prior knowledge and permission of their owners in order to protect their interests and safety. When visitors contact ANTHANASSA and provide personal information they are responsible for the content of such information. ANTHANASSA can keep limited personal information in case of printed CVs only when the sender complies and only when ANTHANASSA has previously clearly determined the will of hiring professionals. In any other case all information can be erased or destroyed with safety. ANTHANASSA obeys to the Laws of Hellenic Republic and EU regarding protection of personal data and does not buy, lease, rent or sell personal data. ANTHANASSA can reveal personal data only with Court order. (return at the top of this page)
Terms of use apply to any visitor of website ANTHANASSA regardless country of origin. Terms in Greek language prevail over the terms in any other language of this website. The website ANTHANASSA is under Law 2121/93, ar. 66A of Hellenic Republic and there are always active certain means of technological protection. Violation of this Law can be criminal offense. All visitors have to use javascript/active scripting option of their browser in order to verify part of these means. Also, visitors may receive software packages known as “cookies” or “LSO” for example, which help better, faster browsing and anonymous statistics. These packages do not violate privacy and also, are not used to collect personal data for reasons against relevant Laws in any case. According to the website of Hellenic Data Protection Authority (, the packages are saved from webpages in order to have access to information that reveals visiting behaviour. In any case, ANTHANASSA complies to Hellenic and European Legislation regarding to “cookies”. A visitor can deny or erase these packages, but this could create potential browsing problems. (return at the top of this page)
Using e-mail, communication data are not encrypted. ANTHANASSA has the exclusive right to avoid or deny contact in case of anonymity and unreliable communication data. (return at the top of this page)
All visitors should not ignore terms of use and are responsible for their actions during the access of website ANTHANASSA._ (return at the top of this page)