With this section of the website, ANTHANASSA's friends can collect gardening tips, gardening ideas, landscaping advice or garden products only from ANTHANASSA's website search for garden maintenance, construction and irrigation.
The first panel is connected only with the database with the Greek articles for gardens. ANTHANASSA's friends can seek info only from these articles. The empty field can be filled easily mainly with Greek words. The spelling of these Greek words should be correct and letters should not exceed the total of thirty one (31) characters, including spaces or should not be less than four (4) letters. The words must be written exactly as a friend want them to be found in the texts of the ARTICLES ANTHASSA. Finally, phrases should be as simple as possible.
Please, keep in mind that articles for gardens are only in Greek language. In addition, ANTHANASSA's website exists mainly for the Greek internet visitors and the use of any other language except Greek one is an action that all visitors should avoid.
©ANTHANASSA, Landscaped Private Gardens
With the second panel ANTHANASSA's friends can search entire website for garden data and info. This is possible with the search engine Google. A visitor is possible to come up against some access difficulties at the very first weeks after the release of the new website version. This is a normal, temporary malfunction. The empty field can be filled very easily. Greek words written with English alphabet can be used, but this is not a good strategy for searching info. The spelling of Greek words should be correct and letters should not exceed the total of thirty one (31) characters, including spaces. Finally, phrases should be as simple as possible.
©ANTHANASSA, Landscaped Private Gardens